BDO Global Network Joins the Net Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA)
BDO Jordan Exerting Valuable Efforts as to Fight Against Climate Change
Net-Zero has become a more demanding priority worldwide for all activities, as such BDO Global Network has made commitments that require us to contribute and accelerate actions supporting this direction. We at BDO believe that everybody has a role to play in improving both our lives and that of future generations. As such, we believe that we are all deemed responsible to take a part in leading the positive change as part of the global inclination towards protecting, preserving, and renewing resources.
BDO exerts considerable efforts in the fight against climate change, through establishing the Net-Zero Advisory Council that makes use of the substantial expertise in this area existing in network firms to create a robust strategy for achieving net zero going forward. This occurred following the COP 26 climate summit, when BDO joined the Net-Zero Financial Service Providers Alliance (NZFSPA). We have committed to support the goal of Net-Zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, consistent with a maximum average global temperature rise of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
On its turn, BDO Jordan is working with the global network to take the lead in becoming a sustainable organisation and help our clients become sustainable and responsible businesses that comply with ever-growing local non-financial regulations. Within the framework of these efforts in this direction, we have exerted many efforts including setting up Green and Sustainable Services (GSS) Department that tackles matters related to providing sustainable services to clients (water conservation, energy management, and pollution prevention), adopting an environmental policy, developing Sustainable Facilities Management Guide, implementing renewable energy in our premises further to applying Green Concepts.
It is worth mentioning that Net-Zero means achieving a net balance in greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). In other words, the total GHG emissions that an entity (organisation, city, state, country or person) adds to the environment are equal to, or less than, the emissions that it removes. Reaching net zero requires businesses, households, and global societies to balance the amount of greenhouse gases they emit with the amount they remove. When what we add is not more than what we remove, we reach net zero.