While the economic scene is undergoing rapid change in terms of regulations, together with heightened SEC scrutiny and the unprecedented global increase in competition, the financial services industry is facing rising pressure; hedge funds are struggling with new regulations, insurance agencies are facing cyber-security concerns, and companies working in a variety of sectors are encountering many new challenges. The situation as a whole means that many entities are worried about both the financial and operational implications on their businesses.
BDO offers financial services that draw on deep industry experience to help clients safely navigate a changing and highly competitive industry. Our professionals deliver audit, tax, and consulting services to a wide range of financial institutions, asset managers, broker dealers, and insurance companies, among others. We provide proactive guidance and value-added services to our clients, including comprehensive compliance and litigation support services.
Aware of the persistent challenges that businesses face, we bring clients our in-depth insights into the complexities of the financial services industry, while addressing each client’s business as a unique case. This know-how is backed by a diverse team from BDO’s global network, spanning 166 countries and territories. As such, we are fully capable of addressing both the domestic and international needs of clients across a wide spectrum of industries and investment contexts.