BDO Jordan Signs an Agreement to Prepare Economic Feasibility Studies to Establish the “Modern Kingdom Company for Fuel Stations Management”

BDO Jordan, Samman & Co., signed an agreement to provide economic feasibility studies for the establishment and licensing of "Modern Kingdom Company for Fuel Stations Management" company to manage fuel stations, aiming to assess the economic viability of the services it will offer. This comes after obtaining preliminary approval to license it as a fourth marketing company in the Jordanian market, encompassing the import, transportation, storage, and distribution of petroleum products in the Kingdom, as well as the management and ownership of fuel stations in the local market. This project is considered pioneering and significant for the Jordanian market, offering numerous job opportunities for Jordanian youth in various fields.

BDO Jordan is a leading professional services firm offering audit, tax, and advisory services to a diverse range of clients, including multinational corporations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), government entities, and non-profit organizations. In terms of advisory services, the firm specializes in economic feasibility studies, market research, and strategic planning services further to financial consultancies. With a track record of delivering high-quality insights and actionable recommendations, BDO Jordan has established itself as a trusted partner for clients seeking to make informed business decisions and drive sustainable growth. Through its team of experienced professionals and collaborative approach, BDO Jordan is dedicated to helping clients unlock value and achieve long-term success in today's dynamic business environment.